Senior thesis created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design 2010

Senior thesis created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design 2010
Directed: Diana Chao
Assistant Director: Raychel Steinbach Lauen
Production Assistant: Nathan Anderson

Created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design
This is a video of my grandmother's funeral. I took the original video and shot black and white photos on 35 mm and reinterpret them back into a digital format, television and computers.

Created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design 2010
Part of an installation about Chinese culture and heritage.

Senior thesis created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design 2010
Senior thesis created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design 2010
Directed: Diana Chao
Assistant Director: Raychel Steinbach Lauen
Production Assistant: Nathan Anderson
Created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design
This is a video of my grandmother's funeral. I took the original video and shot black and white photos on 35 mm and reinterpret them back into a digital format, television and computers.
Created at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design 2010
Part of an installation about Chinese culture and heritage.